Multigrain Cracker
- Thinish. Roundish. Moreish.
- How we like them
- You’re in rude health when... you dance like nobody’s watching - on the bus. Your company parking space is a bike stand. You wax on, you wax off.
Amazing. You take five organic grains from small organic farms. You puff’em up then you round em’ off with a little sea salt. The result is a delightfully sophisticated snack, the perfect foil for canapés among special friends. Or possibly just for snaffling on your own, without the least pang of guilt.
Sophisticated: with mascarpone and chopped figs Rustic: with organic goat’s cheese and piccalilli Silly: by trying to get whole ones into our mouths unbroken
Rude Health 212 New Kings Road Fulham SW6 4NZ